GCN Circular 18240
ANTARES neutrino Alert150901.32 alert and Swift XRT counterpart: MASTER optical observations and new possible candidate
2015-09-04T19:54:20Z (10 years ago)
Vladimir Lipunov at Moscow State U/Krylov Obs <lipunov@xray.sai.msu.ru>
D. Dornic (CPPM), V.Lipunov (Lomonosov MSU), S. Basa (LAM), P. A. Evans (U.
Leicester), J. A. Kennea (PSU), E.Gorbovskoy and N. Tyurina (Lomonosov MSU), D.
Buckley (SAAO), R. Rebolo (IAC)
MASTER-SAAO robotic telescope (MASTER��Net: http://observ.pereplet.ru) located
in Sutherland received Antares neutrino alert at 2015-09-01 07:38:24.99UT
(sunrise) in 16s after trigger time. So and we start observations at nearest
available time.
MASTER-SAAO automatically started Inspect ��survey on the Antares neutrino
Alert150901.32 error��box (ra=16 25 42 dec=��27 23 24 r=1.726600) 35107 sec after
notice time and 35123 sec after trigger time (2015-09-01 07:38:24.99, sunrise)
at 2015��09��01 17:23:48 UT. Observations were up to 2015-09-01 20:25:18 (very
cloudy) . MASTER auto-detection system didn���t find any real transient inside
the neutrino error box, the unfiltered optical limit on single images is
18.5-19.8 (180s), the sum limit is 20.6 (540s).
Observations were continuing on 2015-09-03 17:13:59 (sunset) up to 2015-09-03
21:21:59 (the weather disappeared). We observed in parallel MASTER twin tubes
in different filters BV, RI. ��The optical limit in B filter on single images
was m_B_lim=19.1 (180s), 19.6 on sum (540s) in V filter: m_V_lim=19.3(180s),
19.9 on the sum(540s). The optical limit n R is m_R_lim=18.4-19.0 on single
images(60-180s), m_R_lim=19.7-20.3 on sum (540s-1800s). The limit in I was
m_I_lim=17.5-18.0 on single images(180s), 18.5 on sum (540s).
MASTER-IAC robotic telescope automatically started Inspect observations on
2015-09-01 21:02:44, observed up to 2015-09-01 21:17:34, unfiltered
��(W=0.2B+0.8R, USNOB1 calibrated) limit m_lim=18.7-19.2 (180s exposition),
19.8(540s). Observations were continuing in B and V on 2015-09-03 20:08:40 up
to 2015-09-03 22:09:12 with limit up to 19.8 in B(180s) and 18.6 in V (180s).
No optical transient inside the neutrino error box.
The Swift location 16h 26m 02.1s -27d 18m 14s ��is difficult for observations
from Nothern hemisphere (MASTER-Kislovodsk, -Tunka, -Ural, -Amur). It can be
observed at sunset near the horizon.
MASTER-Kislovodsk: 02 of Sept there was rain at this observatory at sunset.
MASTER-Kislovodsk robotic telescope automatically started Inspect survey on
Antares Alert Alert150901.32 on 2015-09-03 16:39:11 UT, at sunset (Object:
Altitude: 14.85, Sun: Altitude: -10.65), and were continuing up to 2015-09-03
18:04:47 when the objects��� set. The first hour we have 7 ��of 30-s expositions
��with bad weather condition, the optical�� limit in V is 12.0-14.1. Unfiltered
observations ��starts from 2015-09-03 17:21:39 (Object���s Altitude: 11.01)with
optical limit 17.8 on single images (60s expositions), 18.4 on sum (180s). No
optical transients detected by MASTER auto-detection system inside ANTARES
MASTER-Tunka robotic telescope started observations of this alert at sunset at
2015-09-03 12:40:59. The Object���s Altitude was 6.86 , the Sun: Altitude: -8.12.
Very close to horizon, the object goes under it, 16 expositions of 60s in V,R ,
no OT inside ANTARES error-box..
MASTER-SAAO optical light curve of bright star USNO-B1.0 0626-0501169 inside
Swift XRT error box �� in B,V,R and I bands (top diagram) and color diagram
(bottom)�� represented here:
The source is stable in all four band as well as its color. The average color
B-V = 0.93 +- 0.06
R-I�� = 1.07 +- 0.03
A few words about association USNO-B1.0 0626-0501169 and X-ray Swift source
(Dornic et al. GCN 18231, ATel #7987 ). Following Swift XRT observation the
X-ray flux is changing from 5e-13 to 4e-12 erg/cm2/s (in 0.3-10keV). Full
optical flux in MASTER system calibrates as: 15 mag correspond 6.4
10<sub>-12</sub> erg/sm<sub>2</sub>/s . MASTER-SAAO observations of USNO-B1.0
0626-0501169 in January, May and September 2015 show that unfiltered magnitude
is m (unfiltered) = 12.36 +-0.03 (Jan); 12.32+- 0.03(May) and 12.32+-0.04
(Sep). Thus it can be argued that the brightness of the star has not changed by
more than 3%. Since the X-ray emission occurs near the stellar photosphere, so
due to the heating effect of its brightness should slightly increase. The
observed brightness of the star persistence restricts the change in X-ray flux
in September compared with a May and January: F_x/ F_opt < 3 %. Consequently,
F_x < 7 e-11 erg/s. This means that the X-ray heating can not cause optical
variability more than 0.003 magnitude.
It seems the X-ray is result of the X-ray flare activity of the star (de
Ugarte Postigo et al. GCN 18236, ATel #7994; Smartt et al. ATel 7992; Dichiara
et al. ATel#7993 ).
There is Globular Cluster M4 (NGC621) with millisecond pulsar (Lyne et al.,
1988, Nature, V.332, 45-47) and possible massive (~10e3 Solar Mass) black hole
inside ANTARES alert 3-sigma error box (the MASTER images of the Antares error
box is available at http://master.sai.msu.ru/static/Antares_alert_Image.jpeg
By the way there is star Antares (1.3 degrees from center ANTARES error box,
but outside! ).
So, we propose M4 (with relativistic objects inside) is the possible source of
the neutrino, which created after cosmic partical acceleration. The follow up
millisecond pulsars observations request.
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