GCN Circular 22945
IceCube-171106A: MASTER optical observation
2018-07-14T12:49:20Z (7 years ago)
Vladimir Lipunov at Moscow State U/Krylov Obs <lipunov@xray.sai.msu.ru>
V. Lipunov, E. Gorbovskoy, V.Kornilov, N.Tiurina, A.Kuznetsov, V.Chazov,
I. Gorbunov, D. Vlasenko, D.Zimnukhov, D.Kuvshinov, P.Balanutsa, V.Vladimirov
Lomonosov Moscow State University,SAI
D. Buckley,
South African Astronomical Observatory (SAAO)
R. Rebolo, M. Serra, N. Lodieu, G. Israelian, L. Suarez-Andres
The Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias (IAC)
A. Tlatov, V.Senik, D. Dormidontov
Kislovodsk Solar Station of the Pulkovo Observatory
R. Podesta, F. Podesta, C. Lopez, C.Francile
Observatorio Astronomico Felix Aguilar (OAFA)
Instituto de Ciencias Astronomicas, de la Tierra y del Espacio (ICATE)
O. Gres, N.M.Budnev, Yu.Ishmuhametova
Irkutsk State University (ISU)
A. Gabovich, V. Yurkov, Yu. Sergienko
Blagoveschensk Educational State University (BSPU)
MASTER Global Robotic Net observed the field of the IceCube EHE event
IceCube-171106A Taboada et al. GCN 22105
(also observed by Swift, see Keivani et al. ATEL #10942)
The IC171106A altitude at alert time (Date: 17/11/06 18:39:39.21 UT
J2000 RA:340.00 (-0.50/+0.70 deg 90% PSF containment)
Dec: +7.40 (-0.25/+0.35 deg 90% PSF containment))
MASTER-IAC (Tenerife)
Object: Altitude: 54.48 Azimuth: 300.17
Sun: Altitude: -5.64 Azimuth: 74.70
Moon: Altitude: -22.37 Azimuth: 232.01
MASTER-SAAO (South Africa)
Object: Altitude: 49.68 Azimuth: 169.40
Sun: Altitude: -18.49 Azimuth: 56.02
Moon: Altitude: -11.82 Azimuth: 255.21
MASTER-Kislovodsk (Russia)
Object: Altitude: 45.89 Azimuth: 43.01
Sun: Altitude: -50.59 Azimuth: 123.99
Moon: Altitude: 26.64 Azimuth: 269.05
Object: Altitude: 48.79 Azimuth: 31.15
Sun: Altitude: -44.81 Azimuth: 115.65
Moon: Altitude: 20.62 Azimuth: 263.71
MASTER-Kislovodsk pointed to the IC 171106A at 2017-11-06 18:40:45UT, 66s after trigger time .
There were 4 alert images:
Date,UT Exp mlim MASTERtube
2017-11-06 18:50:16 180 19.3 EAST
2017-11-06 18:47:06 180 19.3 EAST
2017-11-06 18:43:56 180 19.1 EAST
2017-11-06 18:40:45 180 18.9 EAST
then MASTER-Kislovodsk returned to Fermi trigger 531665037 inspection https://gcn.gsfc.nasa.gov/other/531665037.fermi (GRB_TIME: 17/11/06 12:43:52.33UT 02h 00m 50s +59d 29' 24")
MASTER-SAAO was pointed to IC 171106A at 2017-11-06 18:40:50UT 71s after trigger time
Unfiltered limits of alert images are the following:
Date,UT Exp mlim MASTER_tube
2017-11-06 18:40:50 540 20.3 EAST
2017-11-06 18:40:50 180 19.9 EAST
2017-11-06 18:40:50 540 20.6 WEST
2017-11-06 18:40:50 180 20.2 WEST
2017-11-06 18:44:07 180 20.0 EAST
2017-11-06 18:44:07 180 20.2 WEST
2017-11-06 18:47:22 180 20.0 EAST
2017-11-06 18:50:38 180 20.0 EAST
2017-11-06 18:50:38 180 20.1 WEST
2017-11-29 18:44:51 180 19.4 EAST
2017-11-29 18:44:51 540 19.6 EAST
2017-11-29 18:44:51 180 19.1 WEST
2017-11-29 18:44:51 540 19.9 WEST
2017-11-29 18:49:52 180 19.0 EAST
2017-11-29 18:49:52 180 19.4 WEST
2017-11-29 18:53:56 180 18.9 EAST
2017-11-29 18:53:56 180 19.1 WEST
2017-11-29 19:11:09 540 19.8 EAST
2017-11-29 19:11:09 180 19.0 EAST
2017-11-29 19:11:09 180 19.4 WEST
2017-11-29 19:11:09 540 20.0 WEST
2017-11-29 19:17:27 180 19.1 EAST
2017-11-29 19:17:27 180 19.3 WEST
2017-11-29 19:24:21 180 19.1 EAST
2017-11-29 19:24:21 180 19.3 WEST
2017-11-29 19:30:27 180 19.0 EAST
2017-11-29 19:30:27 180 19.3 WEST
MASTER-IAC pointed to the IC 171106A at 2017-11-06 18:41:11UT 91.8s after trigger time.
The Sun_Altitude was -5.64, and so as MASTER-Kislovodsk and MASTER-SAAO followed up alert observations,
MASTER-IAC followed Fermi inspection after sunset, and followed IceCube inspection on next day by usual inspect program
2017-11-07 19:33:49 540 20.0 EAST
2017-11-07 19:33:49 180 19.3 EAST
2017-11-07 19:37:42 540 20.0 WEST
2017-11-07 19:37:42 180 19.6 WEST
2017-11-07 19:37:36 180 19.4 EAST
2017-11-07 19:41:35 180 19.6 WEST
2017-11-07 19:41:35 180 19.4 EAST
2017-11-07 19:45:36 180 17.8 WEST
2017-11-07 19:49:45 180 18.7 EAST
2017-11-07 19:53:17 180 18.9 EAST
2017-11-07 19:53:17 180 18.0 WEST
MASTER-Tavrida started inspect IC171106A in a weak as usual inspect
program on 2017-11-13 19:03:59 UT with the following unfiltered limits
Date,UT Exp mlim MASTER_tube
2017-11-13 19:55:03 180 18.4 EAST
2017-11-13 19:55:03 180 17.8 WEST
2017-11-13 19:51:01 180 18.8 WEST
2017-11-13 19:47:28 180 18.8 WEST
2017-11-13 19:32:55 180 18.8 WEST
2017-11-13 19:29:21 180 18.8 WEST
2017-11-13 19:25:45 540 19.5 WEST
2017-11-13 19:25:45 180 18.8 WEST
2017-11-13 19:07:32 180 18.0 WEST
2017-11-13 19:03:59 180 18.0 WEST
There is one BL Lac type object with Radio and Gamma inside
IceCube error box (see Gamma-ray blazar candidates (Sowards-Emmerd+, 2005)
J223810.3+072413 .
There are large number AGN and QSO candidates.
This message may be cited.