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GCN Circular 2928

VLA observations of SGR 1806-20
2005-01-03T20:27:48Z (20 years ago)
Patrick B. Cameron at Caltech <>
P. B. Cameron (Caltech) and S. R. Kulkarni (Caltech) report:

"We observed the position of SGR 1806-20 with the Very Large Array (VLA)
A-configuration on 2005
Jan 3.81 UT (t ~ 6.9 days after the giant flare, GCN #2920).  We detect a
radio source coincident with the X-ray position reported by
Kaplan et al. (2002, ApJ, 564, 935) at the approximate freqeucnies
and flux densities
listed below.

Freq (GHz)    Flux density (mJy)
4.86           73
8.46           41

This is a factor of brighter of 100 times brighter at 8.46 GHz than SGR
1900+14 at peak. Further observations are planned.

The National Radio Astronomy Observatory is operated by Associated
Universities, Inc., under cooperative agreement with the National Science
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