GCN Circular 31615
AMON Coincidence Alert from the sub-threshold IceCube-HAWC search NuEm-220220A
2022-02-20T14:59:43Z (3 years ago)
Hugo Ayala at Pennsylvania State University <hgayala@psu.edu>
The AMON, IceCube, and HAWC collaborations report:
The AMON NuEm stream channel found a coincidence alert from the
IceCube online neutrino selection + HAWC daily monitoring analysis.
The analysis looks for IceCube neutrino events -mostly atmospheric
in origin- around the position and transit time of a HAWC cluster of
likely gamma rays, as identified in the integrated observations from
a single transit, in this case having a duration of 5.66 hours.
The HAWC transit interval start from 2022/02/20 08:08:05 UT -
2022/02/20 14:19:37 UT
(End of HAWC Transit Time)
The location of the coincidence is reported as
RA (J2000): 221.35 deg
Dec (J2000): 13.23 deg
Location uncertainty (50% containment): 0.17 deg (statistical only).
Location uncertainty (90% containment): 0.31 deg (statistical only).
The false alarm rate (FAR) of this coincidence is 1.25 per year.
We encourage follow-up observations of the alert region contingent on
the availability of resources and interest, given the quoted FAR.
AMON seeks to perform a real-time correlation analysis of the
high-energy signals across all known astronomical messengers. More
information about AMON can be found in https://www.amon.psu.edu/
Information on the IceCube collaboration: http://icecube.wisc.edu/
Information on the HAWC collaboration: https://www.hawc-observatory.org