TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 1005 SUBJECT: GRB010222: Chandra X-ray Observatory Observation DATE: 01/03/04 18:19:25 GMT FROM: Gordon Garmire at Penn State U GRB 010222: Chandra Observation of the afterglow G. P. Garmire, A. B. Garmire (Penn State), L. Piro(IAS/CNR Frascati), E. Schlegel(Harvard-Smithsonian CfA) A Chandra observation of GRB010222 (GCN 959, 960) with ACIS-S started on Feb. 22 22:28 UT, i.e. 15 hours after the burst, and lasted for 30 ksec. The X-ray afterglow of the burst was detected at a position RA(2000)= 14h52m12.51s, Decl(2000)=+43 01'06.2" (with an error of 1"), consistent with the position of the OT (GCN963). The source was very bright, and a more detailed analysis is under way to take into account pile-up effects. Gordon Garmire ACIS IPI [GCN OPS NOTE(04Mar01): This message was received on 01Mar01 21:00 UT, but was delayed due it not being sent directly to the Circular processing demon and because the GCN operator was on travel until 04 Mar.]