TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 101 SUBJECT: GRB980613 Near Infra-Red Observations DATE: 98/06/14 05:15:09 GMT FROM: Richard McMahon at Inst.Astonomy, U Cambridge R. G. McMahon, M.G. Beckett, M. Hoenig, G. Gilmore and R. Wyse report, on behalf of the CIRSI GRB team. On June 13th, between UT 21:16 and 22:19, we observed the BeppoSax error box of the Gamma Ray Burst GRB980613 (GCNC#99) in the near-IR, H band with the Isaac Newton Telescope, on LaPalma, using the Cambridge Infra-Red Survey Instrument. Our H band image covers a field of view of 7.8arcmin x 7.8arcmin with spatial resolution of around 1 arcsec. The image is not photometrically calibrated yet. Comparison with the DSS optical image reveals no obvious candidate for a near-IR counterpart to GRB980613. We plan to reobserve the field again on subsequent nights. This image is available, for comparison with future observations, at http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/~optics/cirsi/grb/. Calibration information will be added in due course. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Richard G. McMahon | Phone(direct) 44-(0)-1223-337519 Institute of Astronomy | (secretary) 1223-337516 University of Cambridge | (switchboard) 1223-337548 Madingley Rd | FAX 1223-337523 Cambridge, CB3 OHA, UK. | mobile 0585-409019 | home 1223-464920 email: rgm@ast.cam.ac.uk | http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/~rgm -------------------------------------------------------------------