TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 1079 SUBJECT: GRB010629: Optical Observations DATE: 01/07/02 10:02:27 GMT FROM: Jules Halpern at Columbia U. J. P. Halpern & N. Mirabal (Columbia U.) report on behalf of the MDM Observatory GRB team: "Using the MDM 1.3m telescope, we obtained R-band images covering the error box of GRB 010629 as defined by the overlap of the HETE error circle (Ricker et al. GCN #1075) and the IPN annulus (Hurley et al. GCN #1076) beginning on June 30 3:35 UT and ending at 7:50 UT. These images are deeper than the DSS. We don't see any new object, but an asteroid passed through the error box. Moving west at a rate of 27"/hour, it was located at 16:32:17.9, -18:49:59 (J2000) on June 30 4:34 UT. Concerning the possible high proper motion star reported by Henden (GCN #1077), we see both it and its neighbor 10" to the west. Therefore, it is a `new' object, but one of many that are near the limit of the DSS. The proximity of the moon has prevented useful follow-up coverage from being made." This message may be cited, although we can't imagine why.