TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 1088 SUBJECT: GRB000926 Host Galaxy Observations DATE: 01/08/22 15:38:47 GMT FROM: Fiona Harrison at CalTech F. A. Harrison, T. J. Galama, J. S. Bloom, S. M. Castro, S. R. Kulkarni (Caltech) report on behalf of the CIT-NRAO-CARA collaboration: "We have obtained HST WFPC2 images of the host of GRB 000926 in three filters. The observations spanned from UT May 19 19.63 - 19.86 2001, 238 days after the event. The images reaveal a compact knot of emission the center of which is consistent with the location of the optical transient. We interpret this to be the host galaxy of GRB 000926. The knot is reasonably bright, corresponding to about 25 mag in R, and appears to be marginally extended, with a FWHM of 0.3 arcsec." An image of the host may be found at: http://www.srl.caltech.edu/~fiona/grb000926host.eps This message may be cited.