TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 11975 SUBJECT: GRB 110422A: Herschel observation scheduled DATE: 11/04/25 21:51:12 GMT FROM: Dong Xu at Weizmann Inst Dong Xu (WIS), Maohai Huang (CAS), Bing Zhang (UNLV) report on behalf of a large collaboration: European Space Agency's Herschel Space Observatory is scheduled to make far infrared photometric observations of GRB 110422A on 30 April around 14UT in 70�m and 170�m bands, and two follow-ups on 2-3 May (time to be decided) in 70,170,250,350,500�m bands, and on 6-7 May in 250,350,500�m bands. This would be the first time a cosmological GRB is observed in 70-350�m. Other facilities are encouraged to obtain results of GRB 110422A across the spectrum on those Herschel observing days.