TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 1222 SUBJECT: IPN observations of SGR1806-20 DATE: 02/01/25 20:48:02 GMT FROM: Kevin Hurley at UCBerkeley/SSL K. Hurley, on behalf of the Ulysses GRB team, and C. Guidorzi, E. Montanari, F. Frontera, and M. Feroci, on behalf of the BeppoSAX GRBM team, report: Ulysses and BeppoSAX have detected a series of short duration bursts which appear to originate from SGR1806-20: DATE TIME ULYSSES BEPPOSAX ____ ____ _______ ________ 020117 81678* YES IN SAA AND EARTH-BLOCKED 020118 71671 YES YES 020122 38418* YES NO DATA *TIME AT ULYSSES, WHICH WAS ABOUT 1250 LIGHT-SECONDS FROM EARTH; EARTH-CROSSING TIME FOR SGR1806 IS ABOUT 107 S LATER The only burst which could be triangulated was the one on January 18, and its position agrees with that of SGR1806-20. The burst on January 22 was particularly intense. If all of these events are indeed from SGR1806-20, this may signal a resurgence of activity from this source.