TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 1250 SUBJECT: GRB020127: Palomar and VLA Observations of Possible Counterparts DATE: 02/02/15 04:25:34 GMT FROM: Derek Fox at CIT Derek W. Fox (Caltech) and Dale A. Frail (Caltech/NRAO) report on behalf of a larger collaboration: "On Feb 4 UT (g' band) and Feb 6 UT (r' band) we observed the HETE-IPN localization region of GRB020127 (GCN 1232) with the Large Format Camera on the Hale Telescope on Mt. Palomar. Reduction of images covering the full localization region excludes the presence of any optical counterparts to the three X-ray sources A14, A45, and A7 of GCN 1249, at the respective epochs of these images, to limiting magnitudes of g'~23 and r'~23.3." "Separately, on Feb 14.2 UT we observed the region surrounding Source A14 of GCN 1249 with the VLA. Within the roughly one-arcsecond Chandra localization we find a weak radio source with an 8.5 GHz flux density of 157 +/- 43 uJy located at (J2000) RA 08:15:01.4183(2), Dec +36:46:33.43(3). Follow-up observations are underway to confirm this source detection."