TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 1255 SUBJECT: IPN detection of further SGR1900+14 activity DATE: 02/02/20 23:27:53 GMT FROM: Kevin Hurley at UCBerkeley/SSL K.Hurley on behalf of the Ulysses GRB team; S.Golenetskii, E.Mazets, R.Aptekar, and D.Frederiks, on behalf of the Konus-Wind and Coronas-F-Helicon GRB teams; and T.Cline, on behalf of the Konus-Wind and Ulysses GRB teams, report: New episodes of activity from SGR1900+14 continue to be identified in the data from February 17 and 18. The following is an updated list of all bursts known up to this point, including a new cluster of bursts on February 18. This list combines those of GCN 1253 and 1254, and adds several new events to them. Date Time at Konus Time at Ulysses or Coronas-F (approx.) __________________________________________ Feb 17 74060 Feb 17 79045 78540 Feb 17 82750 Data gap Feb 17 84062 Data gap Fed 17 84156 Data gap Feb 17 84241 Data gao Feb 17 84268 Data gap Feb 17 84285 Data gap Feb 17 84297 Data gap Feb 17 84321 Data gap Feb 17 84330 Data gap Feb 17 84340 Data gap Feb 17 84356 Data gap Feb 17 84368 Data gap Feb 17 84372* Data gap Feb 17 84686 Data gap Feb 18 04415 03916 Feb 18 10645 10143 Feb 18 17160 16661 Feb 18 16849 Feb 18 22435 21936 Feb 18 23131 22632 Feb 18 25125 24622* Feb 18 25190 24687* *cluster of many events; a plot of the February 18 cluster has been posted at ssl.berkeley.edu/ipn3/SGR1900+14.2002.02.18 The Ulysses data gap on February 17th may be filled, and searches of the untriggered data on the 17th and 18th are now underway. Data for February 19 have not yet been received.