TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 126 SUBJECT: GRB 980703: ASM Position & Intensity DATE: 98/07/06 22:01:04 GMT FROM: Don Smith at MIT D. A. Smith, A. M. Levine, and M. Muno on behalf of the RXTE/ASM teams at MIT and NASA/GSFC, report: "The ASM detected emission from GRB 970803 (BATSE trigger #6891) in the crossed fields of view of two of its cameras. Each camera confined the position to a long, thin box at 90% confidence (including systematic & statistical error). The intersection of these error boxes yielded a diamond shaped region with corners at (R.A., Decl.; J2000): (359.873d, +8.653d), (359.742d, +8.573d), (359.664d, +8.459d), and (359.795d, +8.540d). This analysis refines and supercedes the circle of radius 4' reported in IAUC 6966. The burst showed a slow (~40 s) rise to a peak of 1.4+-0.4 Crab (2-12 keV). The intensity began to rise 18 s before the BATSE trigger time of 04:22:45 UTC. At 04:23:07 UTC, the ASM rotated such that the burst moved to the edge of one camera's FOV, and out of the FOV of the second camera. This rotation lasted six seconds. Binning the GRB flux during the second 90-s observation into 9-s bins shows a roughly linear decrease from ~750 mCrab at a rate of ~7 mCrab/s."