TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 1307 SUBJECT: GRB 020322: Optical Observations DATE: 02/03/25 07:23:24 GMT FROM: Grant Williams at Steward Observatory G. G. Williams (Steward Observatory), H. S. Park (LLNL), and D. H. Hartmann (Clemson University) We have obtained 10 x 600s R-Band images of the position of the candidate afterglow of GRB 020322 (GCN 1291, 1293, 1294) using the Steward Observatory 90-inch Bok telescope. The data were obtained between 23 Mar 2002 09:15 UT and 23 Mar 2002 10:55 UT or 29.4 - 31.0 hours after the burst. Our preliminary analysis reveals that the afterglow candidate suggested by Bloom et al. (GCN 1294) has faded below the detection limit of our stacked image. Using a magnitude of R = 22.0 for star "a" (GCN 1295, 1298), we find a 3-sigma upper limit of: R > 24.5 +/- 0.3 A smoothed image of the field can be obtained at: http://compton.as.arizona.edu/data/GRB020322/grb020322both2.gif This message may be cited.