TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 1323 SUBJECT: GRB 020331: NIR Observations DATE: 02/04/02 06:27:32 GMT FROM: Paul Price at RSAA, ANU at CIT S. Klose (Thueringer Landessternwarte Tautenburg) and P.A. Price (RSAA, ANU) report: We have compared images obtained from the CAHA 3.5-m telescope (GCN #1317) with images from the AAT 3.9-m telescope (GCN #1322) at the position of the candidate afterglow (GCN #1317). While the candidate is not clearly resolved from the nearby galaxy in the images from the AAT, it is of a similar brightness in each of the two observations. Subtraction of the two images demonstrates that the candidate is not strongly variable between these two observations. The candidate is therefore not likely the afterglow of GRB 020331. This message may be cited.