TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 1360 SUBJECT: GRB "020411" DATE: 02/04/11 22:58:22 GMT FROM: Dieter Hartmann at Clemson.U D. H. Hartmann, M. Leising (Clemson University) S. Klose (Thueringer Landessternwarte Tautenburg) P. Mack (ACE) S. Shaw (UGA) report on behalf of the SARA consortium: We imaged the error-circle of "GRB020411" (Gandolfi et al., GCN1354) with the SARA 0.9m telescope at KPNO on 02/04/11, starting eight hours after the "burst". We covered the error circle with 4X3 three minute exposures in the I band. Comparison with the DSS did not reveal any new sources. A more refined analysis of this event (Gandolfi et al. GCN1356) suggests that this event was not a GRB. No further Observations are planned for this event. This message may be cited.