TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 1361 SUBJECT: GRB 020409 SARA Observations DATE: 02/04/11 23:14:30 GMT FROM: Dieter Hartmann at Clemson.U D. H. Hartmann, M. Leising (Clemson University) S. Klose, A. Zeh (Thueringer Landessternwarte Tautenburg) P. Mack (ACE) K. Rumstay (VSU) report on behalf of the SARA consortium: We imaged the error-circle of GRB020409 (Piro et al. GCN1347) with the SARA 0.9m telescope (KPNO 02/04/11) in the I band. Comparison with the DSS did not reveal a new source at limiting magnitude of I ~ 20, consistent with our earlier reports (GCN1353) based on observations with the Tautenburg Schmidt Telescope.