TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 137 SUBJECT: GRB980703: Spectrum of the proposed optical counterpart DATE: 98/07/08 01:14:18 GMT FROM: George Djorgovski at Caltech/Palomar GRB 980703: Spectrum of the proposed optical counterpart S. G. Djorgovski, S. R. Kulkarni (Caltech), R. Goodrich (WMKO), D. A. Frail (NRAO), and J. S. Bloom (Caltech), report on behalf of the Caltech GRB collaboration: Spectra of the proposed optical/radio counterpart of GRB 980703 (see GCN Circ. 128) were obtained by R. Goodrich at the Keck-II telescope on July 7.6 UT. The object has a very blue continuum, one strong emission line at approximately 7330 A, and several absorption features in the blue part of the spectrum. If the emission line is identified as [O II] 3727, then the redshift is 0.967. The line cannot be Ly alpha, since there is no sign of intergalactic absorption blueward of it. No broad emission lines are seen at this stage of reductions; the spectrum is thus unlike that of a quasar or a BL Lac, and it is consistent with a young, compact, unobscured starburst. (We note however that the object is unresolved in our images obtained in half-arcsec seeing.) Further analysis of these and other observations is in progress. This note can be cited. [GCN Operator's Note: The originally submitted copy of this circular contained an error in the Subject. This archive copy has been corrected.]