TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 1379 SUBJECT: GRB 020418: Optical observations DATE: 02/04/20 23:20:00 GMT FROM: Paul Price at RSAA, ANU at CIT P.A. Price, B.P. Schmidt (RSAA, ANU) and T.S. Axelrod (Arizona) report: We have re-observed the error box of GRB 020418 (GCN #1376) with the robotic MSO 50-inch telescope + MACHO imager at 2002 Apr 20.41 UT to search for variable sources that might be the afterglow. On PSF-matched image subtraction from our first epoch image (GCN #1377), we do not find any afterglow candidate to the limiting magnitude of our first epoch images (R ~ 21.2 mag). This message may be cited.