TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 1383 SUBJECT: XRF 020427 DATE: 02/04/27 11:16:39 GMT FROM: Jean int Zand at SRON Jean in 't Zand, Fabrizio Reali, Stefano Granata, Paul Lowes and Luigi Piro report on behalf of the BeppoSAX team: BeppoSAX Wide Field Camera unit 2 detected a fast X-ray transient on April 27 at 3:48:40 UT. Quick-look analysis shows that it lasted 1.1 min, with a rise time of 0.1 min. The 10-28 to 2-10 keV hardness ratio is similar to the X-ray rich GRBs like 981226 and type-I X-ray bursters. The Gamma-Ray Burst Monitor covered this event, but no obvious signal was detected. We strongly suspect that this is an X-ray rich GRB or X-ray flash rather than an X-ray burst because 1) the time profile is unusual for an X-ray burst; 2) there is no evidence for softening in the decay; 3) the galactic latitude of -44.2 deg is unusual for an X-ray burst. We strongly encourage follow-up observations. The refined WFC position is: R.A. = 22h09m33.6s (332.3900 deg) Dec. = -65d19m36.6s (-65.3268 deg) (Eq. 2000.0) with an error radius of 3 arcmin (99% confidence).