TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 1420 SUBJECT: GRB020531 Optical observations with TAROT DATE: 02/06/11 13:32:57 GMT FROM: Michel Boer at CESR-CNRS A. Klotz, M. Boer (CESR/OMP/CNRS), and J.L. Atteia (LAT/OMP/CNRS), on behalf of the TAROT collaboration communicate: Following our first analysis (Boer et al., GCN #1408), we performed a refined analysis of the images acquired by TAROT after the alert sent by HETE for GRB 020531 (Ricker et al., GCN #1399). Within the IPN error box we find a 3 sigma excess, elongated in the direction of the telescope aberration, at the following position: RA = 15h15m12s, DEC = -19=B024=9233=94, with an error box of 7 arcsec, and a magnitude of = 17.5. Though this possible source is close to CXOU J151514.1-192428 (source # 56 in Butler et al., GCN #1415) both sources seem different. In addition, the exposures taken by TAROT started at 01h54m28s UT, 6s after the alert was sent by the GCN (and not 50s as mentioned in the earlier circular). This message is citeable.