TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 143 SUBJECT: GRB 980703: BATSE Observations DATE: 98/07/09 15:45:26 GMT FROM: R. Marc Kippen at BATSE/UAH/MSFC GRB 980703: BATSE Observations R. M. Kippen (University of Alabama in Huntsville) reports on behalf of the BATSE GRB team: GRB 980703 was detected by BATSE on July 3.182468 UT as trigger number 6891. The event consisted of two pulses, each lasting approximately 100 s, with a total duration of about 400 s. The first pulse had significant sub-structure, whereas the second, weaker, episode was relatively smooth. The burst's peak flux (50-300 keV; integrated over 1 s) and fluence (>20 keV) are 2.42 (-/+ 0.06) photons cmE-2 sE-1 and 4.59 (-/+ 0.42) x 10E-5 erg cmE-2, respectively---ranking it in the top 20% (5%) of the BATSE burst flux (fluence) distribution. The average spectral hardness of the burst, as estimated by the ratio of 100-300 keV counts to those in the 50-100 keV range, is H32 = 1.05 (-/+ 0.02), which is average for events of this long duration. The BATSE burst location is consistent with those measured by RXTE-ASM (GCN/XTE Notices) and BeppoSAX (GCN 127). A location sky-map and lightcurve for this event (and other notable bursts) are available at the BATSE Rapid Burst Response world-wide-web site: http://www.batse.msfc.nasa.gov/~kippen/batserbr/ This message is citeable.