TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 1462 SUBJECT: GRB020801, optical afterglow candidate DATE: 02/08/02 17:19:33 GMT FROM: Arne A. Henden at USNO/USRA P. Kilmartin (p.kilmartin@phys.canterbury.ac.nz) and A. Gilmore, Mount John Observatory, on behalf of the AAVSO International GRB Network, report: We have imaged the error circle of the long GRB020801 (HETE trigger 2177/8) using the MJO 0.6m telescope and ST-9E CCD. Fifteen unfiltered 60-second exposures, centered on UT 020802.383 (20hrs after the burst), were taken and median combined, and with a limiting magnitude of roughly R=20 based on USNO-A2.0. Comparing against the DSS, we find a new object with approximate R magnitude of 19.4, located at 21:02:37.34 -53:44:59.3 J2000 Frames taken 21min apart show no movement, and the AAVSO web site indicates no known asteroid is in this field of view. We have continued imaging much of the error circle, but have found nothing else that is not on the DSS images. We have placed a 5x5arcmin finding chart marking the new object at: ftp://ftp.nofs.navy.mil/pub/outgoing/aah/grb/grb020801.jpg The object appears extended on this finding chart, but appears stellar on other later image sets. The AAVSO would like to thank the Curry Foundation for supporting the AAVSO International GRB Network.