TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 14796 SUBJECT: GRB 130606A: 10.4m GTC refined redshift z = 5.91 DATE: 13/06/07 01:59:16 GMT FROM: Alberto Castro-Tirado at Inst.de Astro. de Andalucia A. J. Castro-Tirado, R. S�nchez-Ram�rez (IAA-CSIC), J. Gorosabel (EHU-UPV, IAA-CSIC), M. Jelinek, J. C. Tello, P. Ferrero, O. Lara-Gil, R. Cunniffe (IAA-CSIC), D. P�rez-Ram�rez (U. Ja�n), S. Guziy (Nikolaev Univ.), P. Kubanek (FZU), J. M. Castro Cer�n (ESAC), A. Fern�ndez-Soto (UV), S. Mottola (DLR), S. Hellmich (DLR), R. Fern�ndez-Mu�oz (EELM-CSIC), V. F. Mu�oz-Mart�nez (UMA), L. Sabau-Graziati (INTA), A. Mart�n-Carrillo (UCD), J. Cepa (IAC), A. Tejero and C. �lvarez-Iglesias (GTC), on behalf of a larger collaboration, report: �A detailed analysis of our 10.4m GTC spectrum reported on GCNC 14790 reveals several absorption metallic lines (N V, Si II and Si IV amongst others) at a common redshift of z = 5.91 which we propose to be the redshift of GRB 130606A.� [GCN OPS NOTE(10jun13): Per author's request, SG was added to the author list.]