TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 1509 SUBJECT: GRB020819: optical observations DATE: 02/08/20 01:34:05 GMT FROM: Adalberto Piccioni at Astronomy, Bologna U. A. Piccioni, C. Bartolini, I. Bruni, R. Gualandi., A. Guarnieri (Bologna University and Bologna Astronomical Observatory), and G. Pizzichini (IASF-CNR, Sezione di Bologna) report: On 2002 August 19, 22h16m17s UT we started observations of the error box of GRB 020819 (GCN 1506, 1507, 1508) with the 152 cm telescope in Loiano. The acquisition sequence was: R band, 1x600 + 3x900 sec exposures; V band, 1x900 sec; I band, 1x900 sec; B band, 1x1200 sec; R band, 3x900 sec. By visual inspection in our R frames there is no new object brighter than the limit of DssII, in accordance with Price P.A. and McNaught R. Image reductions and further observations are in progress. Our images can be retrieved by sftp at 'ermione.bo.astro.it', username 'publicGRB', password 'GRB_bo', starting on August 21. This message may be cited. [GCN OPS NOTE (24aug02): The reference "(GCN 1468)" was corrected to "(GCN 1506, 1507, 1508)".]