TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 1512 SUBJECT: GRB 020819 : OT candidate - confirmation of non variability DATE: 02/08/20 17:40:37 GMT FROM: Isabel Salamanca at U. of Amsterdam Evert Rol, Isabel Salamanca (University of Amsterdam, Netherlands), Maureen van den Berg, Jeroen Homan (Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera, Itlay), Lex Kaper (UvA, NL), Nial Tanvir (University of Hertfordshire, UK) Andrew Levan and Ingunn Burud (STScI, US) on behalf of a larger collaboration, report: We have observed the error box of GRB 020819 with the CCD camera in the JKT at La Palma on August 19/20. The filter was R Harris. We obtained three sets of exposures at the beginning (2250 sec), middle (3000 sec) and end (2250 sec) of the night. The limiting magnitude is about R~22 for the first epoch. We detect the OT candidate reported by Henden et al (GCN 1510) at magnitude R ~ 21, but it does not fade from the beginning (UT ~ 23.814 hours) to the end (UT ~ 5.365 hours) of the night. -- Dr. Isabel E. de Salamanca Anton Pannekoek Institute, UvA Amsterdam - The Netherlands.