TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 1728 SUBJECT: IPN triangulation of GRB021206 (small error box) DATE: 02/12/08 05:36:43 GMT FROM: Kevin Hurley at UCBerkeley/SSL K. Hurley and T. Cline, on behalf of the Ulysses, Konus, and Mars Odyssey GRB teams, I. Mitrofanov, D. Anfimov, A. Kozyrev, M. Litvak and A. Sanin, on behalf of the HEND/Odyssey GRB team, W. Boynton, C. Fellows, K. Harshman, C. Shinohara and R. Starr, on behalf of the GRS/Odyssey GRB team, and E. Mazets and S. Golenetskii, on behalf of the Konus-Wind GRB team, report: We have triangulated this exceptionally bright burst (GCN 1727) to a preliminary, 3 sigma error box whose approximate area is 57. sq. arcmin. and whose coordinates are: RA(2000) DEC(2000) ERROR BOX CENTER: 16 h 0 m 43.43 s -9 o 43 ' 24.20 " ERROR BOX CORNER 1: 16 h 1 m 47.11 s -9 o 27 ' 53.80 " ERROR BOX CORNER 2: 16 h 0 m 0.64 s -9 o 55 ' 35.00 " ERROR BOX CORNER 3: 16 h 1 m 25.66 s -9 o 31 ' 18.70 " ERROR BOX CORNER 4: 15 h 59 m 38.66 s -9 o 59 ' 4.81 " This error box may be improved, but unfortunately it lies only about 18 degrees from the Sun.