TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 1779 SUBJECT: Probable GRB in INTEGRAL SPI-ACS DATE: 02/12/27 11:24:57 GMT FROM: INTEGRAL Shift Ops at INTEGRAL M. Turler, J. Borkowski, N. Mowlavi on behalf of the ISDC shift-team report: A bright and short (~ 0.7 sec) probable GRB with a FRED-like shape has been found in the INTEGRAL SPI-ACS lightcurve on 2002-12-26 at 14:53:39 UT (53619 sec). No position information is available. The lightcurve file is available at: ftp://isdcarc.unige.ch/arc/FTP/ibas/spiacs/2002-12-26T14-53-39.3000-00000-00000-0.lc