TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 18177 SUBJECT: GRB 150818A: 10.4m GTC spectroscopy and host galaxy DATE: 15/08/19 22:15:53 GMT FROM: Alberto Castro-Tirado at Inst.de Astro. de Andalucia R. Sanchez-Ramirez (UPV/EHU, IAA-CSIC), J. Gorosabel (+, UPV/EHU, IAA-CSIC), D. Perez-Ramirez (+, Univ. de Jaen), S. Jeong (IAA-CSIC, SKKU), A. J. Castro-Tirado (IAA-CSIC, ISA-UMA), F. J. Aceituno, R. Cunniffe, P. Ferrero, Y. Hu, S. R. Oates, J. C. Tello, B.-B. Zhang (IAA-CSIC), M. Jelinek (ASU-CAS), S. Guziy (Nikolaev Univ.), V. Sokolov (SAO-RAS), J.M. Castro Ceron (ESAC), J. Cepa (IAC), A. Garcia (GRANTECAN) and R. Scarpa (IAC, GRANTECAN), report: Following the detection of GRB 150818A by Swift/BAT (D Elia et al. 2015, GCNC 18152), we have obtained an optical spectrum (2 x 900s) with the 10.4m GTC telescope (+OSIRIS) in La Palma (Spain), starting on Aug 18, 22:05 UT (i.e. 10.5 hr postburst), covering the 3700-7800 A wavelength range. The slit included the position of the proposed optical afterglow (Marshall and D Elia, GCNC 18155; Schulze et al., GCNC 18164; Mazaeva et al. GCNC 18175). At the position of the optical afterglow, we see no obvious absorption features with the continuum extending from 3700 to 7800 A. However we clearly detect emission lines of [OII] 3727A, H-beta and [OIII] 4960A,5008A, all at a common redshift z = 0.282. Indeed a diffuse object seems to be adjacent (within 1� to the west) to the optical afterglow in the acquisition image (under 0�.7 seeing), which could be the host galaxy at the above mentioned redshift. Further spectroscopy and monitoring at all wavelengths is encouraged to search for the emergence of the underlying supernova component in the next weeks.