TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 1852 SUBJECT: GRB 030131, optical observations DATE: 03/02/04 12:36:34 GMT FROM: Sylvio Klose at TLS Tautenburg S. Klose and F. Ludwig, Thuringer Landessternwarte Tautenburg report: The field of GRB 030131 was imaged in the R band with the Tautenburg Schmidt telescope equipped with the prime focus CCD camera on Feb 4, 1:35 - 5:22 UT. The field of view is about 40 x 40 arcmin. Altogether 45 frames were taken (2 min exposure time each). The limiting magnitude of the combinded image is about R=22.5 +/- 0.5. The GRB field is very rich in galaxies. Exactly at the position of the potential afterglow candidate reported by Oksanen et al. (GCN 1849) we do not detect any source (R>~22.5). Several sources with R>~21 are visible within ~5 arcsec of the reported OT coordinates. This message may be cited.