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GCN Circular 18581

GRB 151111A: LCOGT-FTS afterglow observations
2015-11-11T17:05:15Z (9 years ago)
Simone Dichiara at Ferrara U/Italy <>
S. Dichiara (U. Ferrara, ICRANet), C. Guidorzi (U. Ferrara),
S. Kobayashi (LJMU), A. Gomboc (U. Ljubljana) on behalf of a
larger collaboration report:

The 2-m LCOGT Faulkes Telescope South began observing Swift
GRB 151111A (McCauley et al. GCN 18578) on November 11, 10:45 UT
(2.2 hours after the burst trigger) with SDSS R and I filters
under poor sky conditions. We do not detect any optical afterglow
candidate within the enhanced Swift-XRT error circle
(Goad et al. GCN 18579) with the following magnitudes:

Mid Time      Exposure       Filter       Magnitude
(hours)           (s)
3.5            10x120         R           > 20.5
4.2             9x120         I           > 20.0

Calibration is done against nearby USNOB-1 stars using R2 and I
nominal magnitudes.
We note in both filters the presence of a possible source of
R~21 mag at the following position: RA(J2000)=03:47:22.75,
DEC(J2000)=-44:09:43.6 (error radius of 1.5"). We caution that
the detection is not significant, so we cannot rule out the
possibility that it is a fluke.
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