TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 1860 SUBJECT: GRB030204 field photometry DATE: 03/02/07 14:59:43 GMT FROM: Arne A. Henden at USNO/USRA A. Henden (USRA/USNO) reports on behalf of the USNO GRB team: We have acquired BVRcIc all-sky photometry for a 20x20 arcmin field covering the eastern two thirds of the IPN error box for GRB030204 (Hurley, et. al GCN 1584) with the USNOFS 1.0-m telescope on one photometric night. Stars brighter than V=12.5 are saturated and should be used with care. Conditions were clear but with poor seeing; estimated external zeropoint error is about 0.03mag. We have placed the photometric data on our anonymous ftp site: ftp://ftp.nofs.navy.mil/pub/outgoing/aah/grb/grb030204.dat The astrometry in this file is based on linear plate solutions with respect to UCAC2. The external errors are less than 100mas. We do not anticipate additional nights of photometry on this field since no afterglow has been detected. However, as with all NOFS calibrations, check the dates on the file prior to final publication to ensure that you have the latest photometry.