TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 1910 SUBJECT: GRB 030227: Confirmed Optical Afterglow (S1-A) DATE: 03/03/01 06:59:18 GMT FROM: Edo Berger at Caltech E. Berger, S. Kulkarni, A. Soderberg, and D. Fox (Caltech) report on behalf of a larger GRB collaboration: "We have re-imaged the field of GRB 030227 with ESI on the Keck II telescope starting on Mar 1.25 UT. In the 6" localization of the XMM source S1 (Loiseau et al. GCN 1901) we again detect the two sources S1-A (Castro-Tirado et al. GCN 1904; Soderberg et al. GCN 1907) and S1-B (GCN 1907). We find that source S1-A has continued to fade (as t^-1), confirming it as the optical afterglow of GRB 0320227 as suggested by Soderberg et al. (GCN 1907). The candidate of Ofek and Gal-Yam (GCN 1903) has remained constant between last night and tonight with a magnitude of about 22.1." This message may be cited.