TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 1940 SUBJECT: GRB030226, addendum to GCN 1892 DATE: 03/03/20 16:09:45 GMT FROM: Adalberto Piccioni at Astronomy, Bologna U. indirizzo: gcncirc@lheawww.gsfc.nasa.gov subject: GRB030226, addendum to GCN 1892 Testo: ___________________________________________________________________________ A. Guarnieri, (Bologna University), L. Cortese (Milano Bicocca University), C.Bartolini, A.Piccioni, R.Gualandi, S. Bernabei (Bologna University and Bologna Astronomical Observatory), G. Pizzichini and P. Ferrero (IASF-CNR, Sezione di Bologna) report: With reference to GCN n. 1892, the complete list of our observations from the 152 cm telescope in Loiano is given below: mid exp filter exposure time date (UT) (Johnson) (seconds) 26.871 R 1800 26.894 I 1800 26.916 V 1800 26.939 R 1800 26.968 R 1800 26.994 B 2400 27.021 V 1800 27.044 R 1800 27.061 R 900 27.069 R 300 27.088 B 2700 27.116 V 1800 27.134 I 1200 27.153 R 1200 27.166 I 900 Our images can be retrieved in format jpeg by sftp using hostname: ermione.bo.astro.it username: publicGRB password: GRB_bo This message may be cited.