TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 198 SUBJECT: SN 1999E & GRB 980919 DATE: 99/01/22 00:21:05 GMT FROM: Shri Kulkarni at Caltech SN 1998E & GRB 980919 S. R. Kulkarni (Caltech) and D. A. Frail (NRAO) report: SN 1999E has been remarked by several observers to be similar to SN 1998bw which in turn has been associated with GRB 980425 (see GCN 197 and refs therein). The age of SN 1999E is very loosely constrained. Regardless of the GRB-SN connection, SN 1998bw is most notable for its radio properties (see Kulkarni et al. Nature 1998). We urge radio observations of this SN both to estimate the age of the SN and as potential tracer of relativistic shocks. This age determination will either confirm or reject the proposed association of GRB 980910 with SN 1999E (GCN 197). [We note that if the SN is young then braod-band radio observations will be most useful. Expected flux level could be in the level of a few mJy across the cm and mm bands].