TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 203 SUBJECT: GRB990123, BeppoSAX-NFI X-ray afterglow detection DATE: 99/01/23 18:47:56 GMT FROM: Luigi Piro at IAS/CNR Frascati Luigi Piro on behalf of the BeppoSAX team report: A BeppoSAX follow-up of GRB990123 initiated around 15:40 UT, i.e. 6 hr after the burst. Preliminary analysis of the first 20 minutes of the data at SOC shows a previously unknown strong source (about 10**-11 c.g.s in the 1.6-10 keV) in the center of the WFC error circle. Preliminary coordinates are: R.A.(2000)= 231.374 DEC(2000)= +44.758 The error radius is 1.5'. Considering its strenght, this X-ray source is very likely the X-ray afterglow of GB990123. We will continue to observe it to monitor its temporal evolution.