TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 2089 SUBJECT: GRB030329 Radio 23/43/90 GHz observations at Nobeyama DATE: 03/04/04 11:04:15 GMT FROM: Nobuyuki Kawai at Tokyo Tech N. Kuno, N. Sato, and H. Nakanishi(NRO) report: We have observed the radio afterglow (GCN 2014, 2043) of GRB 030329 (GCN 1997) with the Nobeyama 45 m radio telescope, Japan from 2003 Apr 3 11:03 UT to 17:00 UT. The mean flux densities are: 23 GHz 32.2 +- 0.9 mJy 43 GHz 53.9 +- 2.9 mJy 90 GHz 80.4 +- 5.6 mJy We will continue monitoring if the weather condition permits. This message may be cited.