TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 2105 SUBJECT: GRB030329: RTT150 optical observation DATE: 03/04/06 19:56:47 GMT FROM: Irek Khamitov at TUG I. Khamitov, M.Parmaksizoglu (TUG); I. Bikmaev, N. Sakhibullin, V. Suleymanov, R.Gumerov, A.Ibragimov (KSU); Z. Aslan, O.Golbasi (TUG); R. Burenin, R. Sunyaev, D. Denissenko, M. Pavlinsky, O. Terekhov, A. Tkachenko (IKI); U. Kiziloglu, A. Alpar, A. Baykal (METU); report: We continue observations of the GRB 030329 optical afterglow (Peterson and Price, GCN 1985) with 1.5-m Russian-Turkish Telescope RTT150 at TUG. Using stars from Henden (GCN 2082) we measured R=18.56+/-0.10 for UT= April 6.06 (182.3 hours after the burst). Observations were done under bad atmospheric conditions. This message may be cited.