TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 2264 SUBJECT: GRB030528: Chandra TOO Planned DATE: 03/06/02 00:45:42 GMT FROM: George Ricker at MIT GRB030528: Planned Target of Opportunity Observations with Chandra X-ray Observatory G. Ricker, P. Ford, N. Butler, R. Vanderspek, J. Villasenor (MIT), D. Lamb (U. Chicago), and J.G. Jernigan (UCB), on behalf of a Chandra GRB ToO Team, write: Chandra target-of-opportunity observations of the HETE SXC error circle for GRB030528 (=H2724: Atteia et al, GCN 2256; Villasenor et al, GCN 2261) are currently planned. The region to be imaged with ACIS will extend +/- 4 arcmin about the revised location reported by Villasenor et al (GCN2261). The first epoch observation should take place near 3-4 June, with a second epoch observation ~1 week later. The scheduling of contemporaneous observations at other wavelengths is strongly encouraged.