TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 2297 SUBJECT: IPN detection of renewed activity from SGR1806-20 DATE: 03/07/14 18:51:10 GMT FROM: Kevin Hurley at UCBerkeley/SSL K. Hurley and T. Cline, on behalf of the Ulysses and HETE GRB teams, D. M. Smith, R. P. Lin, J. McTiernan, R. Schwartz, C. Wigger, W. Hajdas, and A. Zehnder, on behalf of the RHESSI GRB team, A. von Kienlin, G. Lichti, and A. Rau, on behalf of the INTEGRAL SPI-ACS GRB team, and G. Ricker, J-L Atteia, N. Kawai, D. Lamb, S. Woosley, J. Doty, R. Vanderspek, J. Villasenor, G. Crew, G. Monnelly, N. Butler, J.G. Jernigan, A. Levine, F. Martel, E. Morgan, G. Prigozhin, J. Braga, R. Manchanda, G. Pizzichini, Y. Shirasaki, C. Graziani, M. Matsuoka, T. Tamagawa, K. Torii, T. Sakamoto, A. Yoshida, E. Fenimore, M. Galassi, T. Tavenner, T. Donaghy, M. Boer, J-F Olive, and J-P Dezalay, on behalf of the HETE GRB team, report: Ulysses, INTEGRAL (SPI-ACS), RHESSI, and HETE have observed two events whose arrival directions are consistent with that of SGR1806-20: DATE UT ANNULUS ANNULUS ANNULUS deltaR DISTANCE DURATION PEAK FLUX FLUENCE SPACECRAFT S. RA(2000) DEC(2000) RADIUS (3 SIGMA) DEG. S. erg/cm2s erg/cm2 030712 76693.0 335.440 -27.794 57.625 0.017 0.003 0.180 5E-6 4E-6 ULYSSES, RHESSI, INTEGRAL 030713 77470.8 335.566 -27.667 57.749 0.017 0.0001 0.032 1E-6 1E-7 ULYSSES, HETE(2763) The annulus half-width is deltaR; distance is the angular distance between the centerline of the annulus and the position of SGR1806-20; duration is the duration as observed by Ulysses; peak fluxes and fluences are as observed by Ulysses, and are over 0.03125 s, and 25-100 keV.