TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 2350 SUBJECT: GRB 021206 Optical Observations DATE: 03/08/15 12:15:43 GMT FROM: Holger Pedersen at Copenhagen U Obs H. Pedersen, B. L. Jensen (CUO), A. J�rvinen (NOT) and M. I. Andersen (AIP) report: On 2003 August 2.92 UTC, we observed the position of the VLA afterglow candidate (GCN #2280, #2341; Coburn & Boggs 2003, Nature, 423, 415) with the 2.5-m Nordic Optical Telescope, La Palma. We obtained 10 R-band exposures, each of 10 min duration, in a seeing of 0.9" FWHM. According to a standard calibration, we estimate that any unresolved object at the VLA position is fainter than m(R) = 25.4 (2 sigma). A box-car smoothed 45" x 45" section is displayed on: http://www.astro.ku.dk/~holger/g/GRB021206.gif