TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 2377 SUBJECT: IBAS detection of bursts from SGR 1806-20 DATE: 03/09/04 16:49:09 GMT FROM: Sandro Mereghetti at IASF/CNR S.Mereghetti (IASF, Milano), D.Gotz (IASF, Milano) for the ISDC IBAS Localization Team and K.Hurley, on behalf of the INTEGRAL SGR TOO collaboration, report During INTEGRAL TOO observations of the region of SGR 1806-20, performed from 2003 September 3 22:45 UT to September 4 02:54 UT, two bursts have been detected and localized by IBAS. The first burst occurred on September 4 at 00:53:43.9 UT at coordinates R.A. = 18 08 43.6 Dec.= -20 23 28 (J2000). The second one occurred at 01:15:56.9 UT at coordinates R.A. = 18 08 34.3 Dec.= -20 26 25. These localizations have an uncertainty of about 3 arcmin. Therefore the bursts can be confidently associated with SGR 1806-20 and not with SGR 1808-20 (GCN 2351). Both bursts were detected with IBIS/ISGRI in the 15-100 keV range and had a duration of about 200 ms. Their fluences in the 25-100 keV range were about 2x10-9 ergs cm-2 and 2x10-8 ergs cm-2. The TOO INTEGRAL observation of this region (GCN 2372) will continue until September 7 at 03:05 UT. Continued ground-based observations of this region are encouraged. This message can be cited.