TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 23799 SUBJECT: INTEGRAL triggers from 8205 to 8211 are due to MAXI J1348-630, NOT to a GRB DATE: 19/01/27 14:35:19 GMT FROM: Carlo Ferrigno at IAAT/ISDC Carlo Ferrigno, Enrico Bozzo, Volodymyr Savchenko (ISDC, CH) Sandro Mereghetti (INAF, IT) Diego Goetz�� (CeA, Fr) on behalf of the IBAS collaboration The INTEGRAL trigger 8208 and 8209 on Sun 27 Jan 19 at 13:48:0 UT, 8205 at 10:02:09, 8206 at 11:14:56, 8207 at 11:48:05,�� 8210 and 8211 at 14:22:49�� are all due to flaring activity of the newly discovered source MAXI J1348-630�� (ATeL #12434�� #12430�� #1242). It is NOT a GRB. IBAS triggered because the source was not blacklisted, yet. We apologize for the inconvenience this might have caused.