TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 25094 SUBJECT: LIGO/Virgo S190630ag: Updated sky localization DATE: 19/07/18 20:04:07 GMT FROM: Brandon Piotrzkowski at U of Wisconsin-Milwaukee The LIGO Scientific Collaboration and the Virgo Collaboration report: We have conducted further analysis of the LIGO and Virgo data around the time of the compact binary coalescence (CBC) candidate S190630ag (GCN 24922). Parameter estimation has been performed using LALInference [1] and a new sky map, LALInference.offline.fits.gz, distributed via GCN Notice, is available for retrieval from the GraceDB event page: https://gracedb.ligo.org/superevents/S190630ag LALInference.offline.fits.gz is the preferred sky map at this time. The 90% credible region is 1483 deg2. Marginalized over the whole sky, the a posteriori luminosity distance estimate is 926 � 259 Mpc (a posteriori mean � standard deviation). For further information about analysis methodology and the contents of this alert, refer to the LIGO/Virgo Public Alerts User Guide . [1] Veitch et al. PRD 91, 042003 (2015)