TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 254 SUBJECT: For Immediate Posting to GCN - HST Data GRB 990123 Available DATE: 99/02/09 18:07:15 GMT FROM: Steven Beckwith at STScI HST Images of GRB 990123 Now Publicly Available The Space Telescope Science Institute is pleased to announce that recent observations of GRB 990123 are now available in the HST Data Archive. The program ID is 8394. The three orbits of STIS CCD imaging were done as a Director's Discretionary Program as a service to the astronomical community, in response to suggestions by Fruchter, Kulkarni, and others. The data can also be found in the archive's anonymous ftp area, ftp://archive.stsci.edu/pub/misc/grb/GRB990123/ and gzipped versions of the same fits files are also available in the compressed/ subdirectory. [GCN OP NOTE: I deleted the HTML-version duplicate of the circular that was attached in the original submitted/distributed circular.]