TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 2599 SUBJECT: GRB040511: Redshift identifcation DATE: 04/05/14 18:22:00 GMT FROM: Edo Berger at Caltech E. Berger, D.B. Fox, S.G. Djorgovski (Caltech) with T. Treu and M. Malkan (UCLA) report: "We obtained three 900-sec spectra of the GRB 040511 afterglow candidate (GCN 2597) with the Low Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (LRIS) on the Keck-I telescope. Inspection of the 2-d spectra reveals two strong emission lines which we identify as Lyman-alpha and HeII 1640A at a redshift of 2.63. We also note a decrease in the continuum flux level blueward of the line we identify as Ly-alpha, strengthening the association. We conclude that this is the likely redshift of the GRB. The detection of a strong HeII line suggests the presence of a source of strongly-ionizing photons in the host, e.g. an AGN."