TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 26426 SUBJECT: LIGO/Virgo S191213g: Liverpool Telescope spectroscopy of ZTF candidates DATE: 19/12/14 21:56:23 GMT FROM: Daniel Perley at Liverpool JMU D. A. Perley and C. M. Copperwheat (LJMU) report on behalf of the GROWTH collaboration: We obtained spectroscopy of several of the reported ZTF optical transients (Andreoni et al., GCN 26424) inside the error region of S191213g (LVC, GCN 26402) using the Spectrograph for the Rapid Acquisition of Transients (SPRAT) on the 2m Liverpool Telescope.��Observations were conducted on 2019-12-14 between 19:16 and 21:03 (UTC). Spectral classifications were performed with Superfit (Howell et al. 2005). The spectrum of ZTF19acykzsk (AT2019wqj) shows a broad emission feature consistent with H-alpha at the host redshift of z=0.0205. ��The overall spectrum is consistent with a Type II supernova close to maximum light. The spectrum of ZTF19acymgzk (AT2019vtj) is an excellent match to a type Ia SN at z~0.05 close to maximum light. The spectrum of ZTF19acykzsp (AT2019wne) has relatively low S/N, but is also a good match to a type Ia SN at maximum light at z~0.16. This is consistent with the photometric SDSS redshift of its probable host galaxy. ZTF19acykwsd (AT2019wnl) was also observed, but no transient was visible at the reported ZTF position in the acquisition exposures (despite good observing conditions) to an upper limit of approximately r > 21.1, well below the reported initial detection magnitude. It may be a short-timescale stellar flare, although no stellar counterpart is visible in the PS1 reference imaging. We conclude that none of these transients are likely to be related to the gravitational-wave event. Further observations of additional sources are ongoing. We acknowledge helpful suggestions from Erik Kool on the GCN draft. DisclaimerNone