TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 2643 SUBJECT: GRB 040812: radio observations DATE: 04/08/14 22:27:47 GMT FROM: Alicia Soderberg at Caltech A. M. Soderberg (Caltech) reports on behalf of a larger Caltech/NRAO/Carnegie collaboration: "We have observed the error box of GRB 040812 (GCN 2640) with the Very Large Array on 2004 August 14.15 UT (t ~ 2 days since burst). At 8.5 GHz we detect a 0.45 mJy source at location: RA: 16:26:08.5 Dec: -44:41:04.0 (J2000) with a positional uncertainty of 8 arcsec (radius). The source is also detected at 4.9 GHz with a flux density of 0.79 mJy giving a spectral index of beta ~ -1 between the two observing bands. This spectral index is inconsistent with those measured for early radio afterglows. No other sources are detected within the error box with a 2 sigma detection limit of 0.14 and 0.16 mJy at 4.9 and 8.5 GHz, respectively. Further observations are planned."