TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 265 SUBJECT: BATSE Resumes Normal Operations DATE: 99/02/23 15:24:48 GMT FROM: Charles Meegan at NASA/MSFC Chip Meegan and the BATSE team (MSFC) report: Yesterday's anomaly (GCN 264) has now been repaired. As expected, it was caused by a single event upset in the area of the program that calculates the average background rate. The symptoms are consistent with the error. Only the burst triggers, the average rates and trigger thresholds in the HER auxiliary data are invalid. The time interval when the memory was corrupted is 99/02/22 06:56:26 to 99/02/23 13:3108 UT. All triggers during this interval are invalid. Normal BATSE operations have resumed and all triggers are valid and suitable for resumed burst follow-up activities.