TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 26531 SUBJECT: LIGO/Virgo S191216ap: VLA/JAGWAR radio monitoring of the 1-sigma HAWC region DATE: 19/12/21 18:40:24 GMT FROM: Kunal Mooley at NRAO,Caltech Kunal Mooley (NRAO, Caltech; Jansky Fellow), Steve Myers, Dale Frail (NRAO), Alessandra Corsi, Arvind Balasubramanian, Deven Bhakta (TTU), Gregg Hallinan, Shri Kulkarni (Caltech), report on behalf of the JAGWAR team We have initiated deep C band (4-8 GHz) multi-epoch observations of the 1-sigma containment region (0.3 sq deg; HAWC Collaboration, GCN 25333) coincident with the GW event S191216ap with the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array. A total of 37 pointings (7 arcmin FWHM primary beam at 6 GHz; pointing coordinates given below), observed as part of the JAGWAR program, will achieve a uniform RMS noise of ~8 uJy over the survey region. We will report any radio transients found through the GCN system. Ra, Dec of the VLA C band pointings: 21:33:11.42�� +05:08:26.36 21:33:00.22�� +05:14:02.38 21:33:11.42�� +05:19:38.36 21:33:33.82�� +04:57:14.34 21:33:22.62�� +05:02:50.35 21:33:33.82�� +05:08:26.34 21:33:22.62�� +05:14:02.35 21:33:33.82�� +05:19:38.34 21:33:22.62�� +05:25:14.35 21:33:33.83�� +05:30:50.34 21:33:56.22�� +04:57:14.31 21:33:45.02�� +05:02:50.33 21:33:56.22�� +05:08:26.31 21:33:45.02�� +05:14:02.32 21:33:56.22�� +05:19:38.31 21:33:45.02�� +05:25:14.32 21:33:56.23�� +05:30:50.31 21:34:18.62�� +04:57:14.29 21:34:07.42�� +05:02:50.30 21:34:18.62�� +05:08:26.29 21:34:07.42�� +05:14:02.30 21:34:18.62�� +05:19:38.29 21:34:07.43�� +05:25:14.30 21:34:18.63�� +05:30:50.29 21:34:41.02�� +04:57:14.26 21:34:29.82�� +05:02:50.27 21:34:41.02�� +05:08:26.26 21:34:29.82�� +05:14:02.27 21:34:41.03�� +05:19:38.26 21:34:29.83�� +05:25:14.27 21:34:41.03�� +05:30:50.26 21:34:52.22�� +05:02:50.25 21:35:03.42�� +05:08:26.23 21:34:52.22�� +05:14:02.25 21:35:03.43�� +05:19:38.23 21:34:52.23�� +05:25:14.25 21:35:14.63�� +05:14:02.22 We thank the NRAO staff for scheduling and executing these observations.